
service brief
SolidWorks is a versatile 3D modeling software that revolutionizes fabrication. Its parametric design allows easy modifications, and specialized tools within the software are designed to cater to sheet metal projects. SolidWorks ensures efficient collaboration and seamless workflows in complex fabrication processes with robust assembly modeling, drafting, simulation, and CAM integration.
service offer


Parametric Design

SolidWorks' parametric CAD empowers easy design modifications driven by adaptable parameters. Ideal for intricate fabrication projects, it allows flexibility without redoing the entire model, saving time and resources.

Sheet Metal Design

Tailored for sheet metal fabrication, SolidWorks offers specialized tools to create and unfold sheet metal parts. Essential for components like enclosures and brackets, it ensures precision in intricate sheet metal projects.

CAM Integration

SolidWorks' seamless integration with Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software enhances fabrication efficiency. This streamlines the transition from design to fabrication, generating toolpaths and manufacturing data directly from your SolidWorks model.

Explore The Benefits


SolidWorks adapts across diverse industries, from manufacturing to aerospace, offering versatile 3D modeling. Its adaptability suits a broad range of complex fabrication projects, ensuring versatility in design applications.

Parametric Efficiency

Experience efficient design modifications with SolidWorks' parametric CAD. Easily adjust parameters at any stage without redoing the entire model, saving time and resources in intricate fabrication designs.

Precision Sheet Metal

SolidWorks excels in sheet metal design, providing specialized tools for creating and unfolding sheet metal parts. It is essential for fabricating components like enclosures and panels, ensuring precision in complex sheet metal projects.

Seamless Collaboration

Foster design team collaboration effortlessly with SolidWorks. Multiple designers can work simultaneously on complex projects, increasing efficiency and communication, resulting in better-designed outcomes for intricate fabrication processes.

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