
service brief
ShipConstructor, powered by Autodesk’s “flagship” software, AutoCAD, is a leading ship and offshore structure design suite. Tailored for naval projects, it offers advanced 3D modeling, efficient workflows, and comprehensive marine fabrication solutions, ensuring precision, adaptability, and collaborative excellence in naval design and other marine applications
service offer


Hull/Structure Projects

ShipConstructor excels in naval design, providing advanced parametric 3D modeling for precision and flexibility. Experience a design process that leaves no room for compromise, from hulls to intricate details.

ShipConstructor Outfitting

Navigate steel fabrication complexities effortlessly with ShipConstructor's specialized tools. Tailored for marine applications, it allows the creation of intricate and accurate structures crucial for successful outfitting in naval projects.

WorkShare Products

Foster collaborative excellence in naval design with ShipConstructor's integration capabilities. Seamlessly connecting with other design and engineering tools, it enhances communication and coordination among diverse teams, ensuring successful project collaboration from start to finish.

Explore The Benefits

Precision Design

ShipConstructor's advanced parametric 3D modeling ensures unparalleled precision in naval structures, from hulls to intricate details, providing a design process that prioritizes accuracy without compromise.

Efficient Workflows

Streamline the naval design process with ShipConstructor, significantly reducing the time to bring your vision to life. Our efficient workflows ensure timely project milestones, instilling confidence in your design journey.

Comprehensive Fabrication

Navigate marine fabrication complexities with ease. ShipConstructor offers specialized tools for complex naval fabrication designs, allowing the creation of intricate and accurate structures crucial for successful naval applications.

Adaptable Design:

Adaptability is key in naval projects. ShipConstructor's parametric design features empower our team to make quick and precise modifications, ensuring your design aligns with evolving requirements without compromising efficiency.

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